Wednesday, March 9, 2016

K.I.S.S. Naturals: Should I Transition into or "Big Chop" My Natural Hair?

Hi! :)

I hope you ladies and gents are doing well. This is the first OFFICIAL  post of K.I.S.S. Naturals!
AHHHHH!!!!! (milly rocks like a boss)

One of the things that I see on the internet involves this scenario:

"I'm deciding on going natural, but I don't know if I want to transition into natural hair or BC...What should I do?"

I'm going to stop you right there, beloved.

There are pros and cons to either methods to ultimately achieving natural hair (hair chemical (or lye)-free).

This guideline should make it easier on deciding what to do to achieve natural hair.

  • Big Chop (B.C.): Immediately removing relaxed/chemically treated hair, leaving untreated natural hair behind. 
    • Pros
      • Learning curve dealing with natural hair (easier to deal with)
      • Less breakage than transitioning into natural hair
      • Less products needed; can be a money saver
      • Low maintenance 
      • Standing out from a crowd
      • Challenges one to be fashionable in other ways; can't hide behind hair
    • Cons
      • Learning curve dealing with natural hair 
      • Can be a stark contrast to long hair
      • Standing out from a crowd
      • Dealing with criticism from outsiders

  • Transitioning: Gradually growing out relaxed/chemically treated hair, dealing with two different textures at the same time.
    • Pros
      • Thicker hair, makes for voluminous hairstyles
      • Avoiding the shock of having short hair
      • Not as steep of a learning curve when dealing with natural hair
        • You're able to figure out what works best with your hair while dealing with the two textures
    • Cons:
      • Dealing with two different textures (relaxed and natural hair)
      • Figuring out hairstyles that would blend the two different textures (Tip: bantu knots work!)
      • Hair is more prone to breakage! The point where your natural and relaxed hair (demarcation) meet is HIGHLY fragile!
Welp, that is all that I have... if you guys can think of any other pros and cons to big chopping/ transitioning let me know in the comments below! 

Awesome looking TWA!

Side Note:
I tried both methods, and ultimately big chopped. If you want to find out why, I posted a video about it. Check out the archives! Plus, I just celebrated my 7 year NAPTURAL anniversary! ^__^

Talk to you soon.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

SERIES: K.I.S.S. Naturals

Hey guys!

Are you guys great? I hope so! I know that you didn't ask, but I am doing well. LOL

This is just a heads up: I plan on starting a series of blogs dedicated to condensing natural haircare information. I am gearing this to anyone who may feel overwhelmed (especially anyone considering natural hair) or maybe is interested in adopting a few nuggets of wisdom (for my natural haired women-hey!). The series will be called K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Sweetheart) Naturals.

I plan on having a blog post every month dedicated to answering a question regarding natural hair and anything related. If you guys have any topics that you would like for me to discuss, let me know.

The goal again, is to make sure you're provided with easy-to-digest info that is helpful. Okay? Okay.
Honestly, I am actually excited to show you guys the following'm slightly giddy lol.

No..Honestly..K.I.S.S. A Natural. ;)


P.S. I also have an article featured on Audacity to be Yo(unique)'s website! I am pretty excited about it since this is my first article haha! Please click the link and let me know what you think :) Temptations Every Natural Encounters