Saturday, February 14, 2015

Argan Oil!

Hola Folks! 

I hope your week went well. I'm just here to talk briefly about Argan Oil. I have heard about this oil for awhile however, I never got around to using it due to my affinity with coconut oil. Coconut oil has been my HG (holy grail) since my first year of being natural. 
However, for the last month, my hair has been really dry. And I mean really dry according to my standards. I decided to take a break from using my coconut oil and try Argan Oil. I figured,"Well since everyone has great things to say about it, let me stop being stubborn and try it."
I wanted pure Argan Oil. I did not want an "Argan Oil" product whose ingredients contain everything else but Argan Oil. I actually found it at TJMAXX for about $10.  
        The morning after using the oil. 
                  It looks so healthy!
Some of the benefits of Argan Oil:
**It contains omega-6 fatty acids, omega-9 unsaturated fatty acids, and linoleic acid which provides antioxidants and moisturizing properties for the hair.
**It can strengthen strands and also help with elasticity, making strands less brittle. 

 The verdict: I really like it! A little goes a LONG way which is great. The next day, my hair felt a lot more moisturized and it looked healthier. The last picture was taken after being caught in a snow flurry for 10 minutes. I think my hair held up pretty well. LOL
Let me know what type of oils you use in the comment section. 
Talk to you soon. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Bantu Knot-Out!

Hey guys! :) I hope you all are doing well. This blog post will be how I do my bantu knot outs. They're pretty simple, but I have perfected it to where it is afro-porn/crush worthy (YAASS). If you have any different methods, let me know in the comments below! (That rhymed. Ha.)

1. Take hair

2. Section hair

My hair after a long day. Shrinkage! :)

3. Twist hair. Now for me, I make an individual twist because my hair is very fine and it can be hard to achieve a defined style. I have tried twisting the entire section of my hair, making a bantu knot, and ended up having beach-wavy hair (think Cosmopolitan hair style articles -__-). And yes. Black women can have beach wavy hair without curling wands and weave. FYI.
      a. Also, the product is important too. Use a product that gives your hair definition. I used my homemade           hair cream (my moisturizer) and Organic Root Stimulator (ORS) Smooth-N-Hold Pudding (styling               product)

Twist! :)

4. Create knot!! Ergo...the Bantu Knot! What you are going to do is wrap the twist around itself. You are going to twist your hair around and it is going to form a small knot. That will be your base. Then, wrap the rest of your hair around that base. It should look similar to this:

Creep Life.

5. Leave it alone! :)

Trendy style. Just kidding. 
6. Take it down (no Chris Brown): You are going to unwrap the knot. If you created an individual twist before the knotting, untwist your individual twist (there's a lot of twisting going on here haha). You can use oil to create less frizz. If you don't want to use oil, that's fine too! It's completely up to you! (All these rhymes, I'm coming up with a rap name I swear. lol) 

7. Fluff to your heart's content! Just get rid of the obnoxious parts that may be in your hair, and fluff. I love big hair, so the people can stare. I strive to have Diana Ross/Chaka Khan hair! 

It was a good hair day.

My face during social media antics lol

Alright! Let me know what you do in the comments below! Quit being scurred! me G-Thizzle cause I have officially killed the rap game in this tutorial. 
Look for the mixtape this summer: "Fros on Fleek". 

Talk to you soon. 